1 2 3
  • 1 Studio 1 + bar Komunardů 30
  • 2 Slévárna Přístavní 22
  • 3 Cashbox Komunardů 28


Actors: William Bonnet, Julian Schultz, Tobias Wegner Z Edinburghu do New Yorku, Moskvy a Hong Kongu. Velmi oceňovaný projekt LEO – jeden člověk a fyzické představení, které se vzpírá divadelním konvencím tak brilantně, jak jen to umí gravitační zákon. Divadlo, které posune vaši představivost na zcela jinou úroveň.
690 Kč Regular
70 min.
From Edinburgh to New York, Moscow and Hong Kong, the multi-award winning show LEO is a one man, one-of-a-kind physical theatre piece that defies theatrical convention as brilliantly as it does the law of gravity. Jaws will drop as LEO takes “off the wall” to a whole new level.

“Brilliant, charming, clever“ Associated Press / USA

“Fantastic festival outing for families...festival gem” The Guardian

“This utterly delightful show combines acrobatics and film work to create a rather unique piece of theater.“ Theatermania / USA

“It’s unusual to hear so many child-like gasps of sheer delighted astonishment in a theater.”  The Village Voice / USA

Performed by – Tobias Wegner
Director – Daniel Brière
Creative Producer - Gregg Parks
Original performer / idea – Tobias Wegner
Set & Lighting Design – Flavia Hevia
Video Design – Heiko Kalmbach
Animation – Ingo Panke